Mission Statement
Donation based innovative first class ICT solutions and advice
We all living on the same planet and our
perception of it will depend on which state of
consciousness we are choosing to see.
Therefore, we transition from money exchange
and start giving all our knowledge for
F R E E - (T's & C's appy)

Offered Services
Operational ICT outsourcing with a balanced product mix of:
- Business process outsourcing & manufacturing automation
- Consulting on business continuity
- Consulting on -and conducting of penetration-tests and physical penetration testing
- Consulting on defensive, intrusive and offensive security and surveillance
- Consulting on legitimate forensic & anti-forensic techniques
- Customer care & call center set-up
- Design and implementation of turnkey ICT solutions
- ICT project & risk management
- IT Pre-Audits
- Microsoft Server Management
- Open Source Software Management & Evaluation
- OpenVMS System Management
- Surveillance detection - legit counter surveillance
- Maintaining and developing ...
...technology systems with a view to maximize efficiency and effectiveness,
whilst minimizing operational risks

Please contribute to sharing knowledge unconditionally and
help humanity to ascend to 5D consciousness by donating
via BitCoin, PayPal or Monero

Donations will be used for FREE   Rife Frequency treatment,  50 plus entrepreneurship projects, creating jobs for people living in   squatter camps   by constructing high-tech, off grid   Tiny houses   to be sold on a "costs plus 50% markup", for reinvestment and for maintaining the facilities
Quarterly reports will be e-mailed to contributors